Values and Vision Statement

Inspiring Achievement: Today, Tomorrow, Together.

Caslon Curriculum Intent

To develop children with 21st Century skills.

To be: Literate, Numerate, ICT Confident, Knowledgeable and Creative  

Caslon Curriculum Implementation

  • Provide a happy, safe and stimulating environment in which we will all learn and grow together
  • Encourage our children to develop positive attitudes to learning and achieve high standards of success
  • To have high expectations, to challenge and develop enquiring minds
  • Provide a memorable, interactive and innovative curriculum, which gives opportunities and experiences that will enrich our pupils’ lives
  • Develop confident, successful and independent lifelong learners
  • Strengthen parent career partnerships and community links   

At Caslon, it is of great importance to teach our pupils how be good citizens of Britain and the wider world. Included in our curriculum are lessons which educate our pupils about democracy, the law, individual rights and liberty and we strive to encourage mutual respect and tolerance of those from different cultures and of different faiths.  These values are taught through our PHSE curriculum and also through Religious Education lessons, topic work and assemblies.

In addition we do, underpins what we do :

  • Mindful Mondays,etc
  • Calm corners
  • Morning greetings

All of these allow emotional regulation in order to be able to access our well mapped out and ambitious curriculum. 

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A very warm welcome to Caslon Primary Community School - Including Beecher Bear Daycare and Nursery, Beech Tree (SEMH Base) and Tree Acre Early Years Inclusion Hub.
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