Caslon Head Boy and Head Girl

At Caslon the Head Boy and Head Girl are responsible for representing the school. They also serve as a good role model for students, and share students’ ideas with the school council.

The Head Boy and the Head Girl should share a passion and commitment for Caslon Primary. They are the link between the students, staff and governors. They demonstrate positive behaviours and act as role models for all pupils. The Head Boy and Head Girl support the school at events (such as parents evening, helping out with productions or extra-curricular events. They contribute to the effective running of the school, as directed by any staff member. The Head Boy and Head Girl help to take responsibility as role models for younger students and help to ensure that the school is a safe and secure place for all students.

Shyla – Head Girl

Hi, I’m Shyla and I`m so proud to be head girl at Caslon. I applied for the role of Head Girl because I want to set a good example for the younger pupils. I want to help out in ways such as helping to tidy the hall after an assembly or showing a visitor around the school.

James – Head Boy

Hello, I’m James, head boy at Caslon. I applied to be head boy because it sounded like fun! My brother is head boy at secondary school and he told me he really enjoys it. The head boy role will help me become more confident as it involves talking in assembly. The head boy role is a leadership role and I feel it will help me learn new skills, which I can use in my journey through school life. As head boy I will listen to the pupils and see what positive changes they would like to see. I also feel its very important that pupils wear the correct uniform and work hard in class, I will help with this by setting a good example myself.

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A very warm welcome to Caslon Primary Community School - Including Beecher Bear Daycare and Nursery, Beech Tree (SEMH Base) and Tree Acre Early Years Inclusion Hub.
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